Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Almost to my goal

    I have realized lately how expensive life really is. Man, everything costs money, especially when you're trying to save money. I've had some help from some lovely people. I have earned $5,000 dollars just on my own this summer from working. Boy, was it worth it. Unfortunately, I thought I had a job in place when I moved over to Salem, but it fell through. The story is constant, I'm not in Salem long enough for anyone to want to hire me. I promise, future employers, I'm a hard worker!
    I have been calculating how much it will cost to just be able to go to South Korea. Im almost at my goal to where it will be comfortable, and I'll be able to travel to be able to be in Korea. Unfortunately, I didn't take in account for how much travel expenses and visas cost. Especially since I have to drive/ fly up to Seattle to get my visa, and go to Boston for my orientation. I'm starting to feel as if I'm leaving in just a few months. But really, I am leaving in just a few months. How odd to think about that. I can't wait to go. The longer I'm here in Salem, the more I'd like to get out. I don't like Salem. It's not the place I see myself longer than necessary. Bend is so much more lively. I miss all of you lovely Bend people.
    While I've had lots of changes going on recently, the changes just make me that much more excited to leap from this nest in rainy Salem, into parts of an unknown world. I'm looking forward to the structure of an 8-5 day that I will have for eleven months ( not including weekends). One of my buddies ( Nicholas Schneider) is in Seminary School just half an hour away from me, and has been visiting me constantly for dinner. He just informed me last night that one of the Fathers is willing to teach me Korean (he's from Korea). I guess moving does have its perks!
     I'm sure some of you know that there was a minor fluke in my ability to go to Korea, but I think that's all sorted out now; I'm crossing my fingers that it is. I'm still waiting to hear back from Korea if I'm able to go. The wait is killing me, there's so much I have to do to be able to go to South Korea. Starting November, I'm going to be busy just with stuff for South Korea.
     I have been spending time with family this last week. I went on a mini road trip to Moses Lake WA to visit my grandparents with my brother, what a lovely trip. I have spent a weekend with my Aunt Linda, and a day with my Aunt Tammy. The best part about being in this crummy capitol, is that I'm close to my family.
     Thank you so much to those of you who have donated. I will attach my donation site again, seriously, anything you can give is huge. It's tax deductible, and I suggest doing it through the site. I hate asking for money, but this will be the biggest gift I will ever receive.

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