Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Learning About Korea

   I really should have consulted my dear friend Molly before even jumping into the idea of Korea. That girl knows more about asian culture than I ever will.

      That aside, I am currently reading up on the culture, and really... I love it.  My coordinator sent me a 24 page " book" about South Korea. I'm reading it on my iphone as I type on my Mac. Wow, how Apple of me. Anyway, here's a tidbit that I read about some of the culture that I really enjoyed, hopefully whatever readers I have will also enjoy this:

1. Jerye:
     Which is all about ancestry. I'm going to super summarize this. Basically, in Korean beliefs, when people die their spirits don't automatically go away. Instead of the spirit dying with the body, the spirit, and the relationship, stay around for a few generations. There are two holidays in which these relationships with ancestors are reaffirmed, as well as the date that the said relative passed away. Having lost a father, this idea seems really cool, and I kind of hope to bring this into my own life. Hopefully I get to experience this with whatever family I'm lucky enough to be placed with.

Oh, I'm giddy.

2. Oriental Medicine:
       They believe in balancing out the whole body instead of just one aspect to rid off diseases. I get to partake in acupuncture, and herbal medicines.
For those of you who know, I wish to go into nursing school once I'm done with this venture, and then become an acupuncturist, so this is really exciting for me to be in a place that puts so much emphasis on what one of my own personal passions is.

I also had better get used to Kimchi, apparently it is ALL that I am going to be eating. Luckily, they use spoons for soups and noodles, otherwise I'm going to have to relearn how to use chopsticks.. which will really be a pain.. I was never good with chopsticks.

I'm going to explain the currency, now.

Koreans use Won as their currency. 1 USD= 1,180 Won.

Currency has been explained.

Holidays, they do celebrate Christmas, and I'm a lil bummed that I won;t get to celebrate a South Korean Christmas, what an interesting experience that would be!

However, as I'm reading.. I might actually end up living in a dorm... Looks like I might not have gotten away with that as I had hoped. Oh well!!

1 comment:

  1. Your're writing is great! can't wait to read more awesome stories from Korea.
