Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Last blog post

Hi everyone!

Well, I'm 3 months away from being home... Which means 3 months away from me reliving my experience with all of you... My fears, challenges, accomplishments, so on and so forth. I have devised that I lack the literary genius to adequately deliver such stories without offending everyone or anyone, and displaying my experience in the correct light. So this being said, I have decided to stop blogging my trip around South Korea. I am still journaling, and try to journal every day. On Facebook you can see all my pictures of this experience,  and you can reach me at the following email address: rhysewilliams6295@gmail.com. My yahoo one got hacked. Ask questions about my journey and I'll be more than willing to share it all with you, hopefully more sophisticatedly. It's hard to write such a complex journey to a large party of many nameless faces. I hope you all understand, and I truly hope to receive emails!

All my love back home!


1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna miss these posts! I'll be expecting emails in their place. ;) Love you!
